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Choco-nutty protein cups

Choco-nutty protein cups

Are you looking for a delicious vegan treat? The sweet, chewy texture of our protein balls go perfectly with the crisp, rich dark chocolate and gooey peanut butter! Each bite is a choco-nutty dream! 

Ingredients (makes 8):

200g of dark chocolate (ideally cooking chocolate)

8 tsp of peanut butter (or nut butter of your choice)

4 protein balls, halved - we went for Peanut Butter any flavour would work!

3 tsp of Desiccated coconut 



Fill a muffin tin with little cake cases 

Melt the dark chocolate (over boiling water in a bowl or in the microwave)

Spoon 2 tsp of the melted chocolate into each cake case then pop into the freezer for 10 mins

After 10 mins take out and add 1 tsp of nut butter

Cover with the remaining chocolate 

Place the halved protein balls into the middle of each chocolate cup then sprinkle with desiccated coconut 

Put back in the freezer to set for another 25 mins then tuck in!

Keep in the fridge!

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