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Simple Food Swaps For A Healthier Lifestyle

Simple Food Swaps For A Healthier Lifestyle

Back in 2015, The Protein Ball Co was lovingly born, with the aim of making healthy snacking easier and more accessible, one ball at a time. Now more than 25 million balls later, we think we've done a pretty good job at changing the Nations' snacking habits for the better!

In celebration of Healthy Eating Week, we’ve got some easy food swaps to help you on the road to a healthier lifestyle - these simple swaps can make a huge difference and play a big part in making your lifestyle as healthy as it can be!

Healthy Food Swaps

Consume High Fibre Foods

Starchy, high fibre carbs should make up a third of your diet. Choose high fibre or whole grain varieties, such as whole wheat pasta, brown rice or potatoes with their skins on, as these will help keep you fuller for longer.

Cut Down On Saturated Fat

Try to cut down on your saturated fat intake and instead opt for foods that contain unsaturated fats, such as vegetable oils, spreads, oily fish and avocados. Additionally, when you are consuming meat, go for lean cuts with as little fat as possible.

Avoid High Sugar Foods
Regularly consuming foods and drinks high in sugar can increase your risk of obesity and can cause other health complications. There are two types of sugar and the sugars we want to avoid are those added to foods and drinks, not those that are naturally found in fruits for example. Instead of opting for sugar-loaded chocolate bars for your next snack, switch to our Protein Balls instead!

Drink Plenty of Water
It’s super important to ensure you don’t get dehydrated - but make sure to try and avoid soft and fizzy drinks as these are much higher in calories and sugar. Alongside water, you can also have lower fat milk, tea or coffee to help keep you hydrated.

Get Up & Active
Alongside eating a healthy balanced diet, regular exercise can also play a huge part in keeping healthy and is important for your overall health and wellbeing.

Leading a healthy lifestyle shouldn’t be daunting - it can be fun and exciting and trust us when we say these little swaps will make you feel like the best version of yourself!
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